L3 North-South

This scenario tests the bandwidth between pairs of instances deployed in different virtual networks. Instances with primary agents are located in one network, instances with minion agents are reached via their floating IPs. Each instance is deployed on its own compute node. The test increases the load from 1 pair pair until all available instances are used.


How To Run

shaker --server-endpoint <host:port> --scenario networkingfull_l3_north_south --report <full_l3_north_south.html>


title: OpenStack L3 North-South

  In this scenario Shaker launches pairs of instances on different compute
  nodes. All available compute nodes are utilized. Instances are in different
  networks connected to different routers, primary accesses minion by
  floating ip. The traffic goes from one network via external network to
  the other network.

  template: l3_north_south.hot
  accommodation: [pair, single_room]

  progression: quadratic
    title: Download
    class: flent
    method: tcp_download
    title: Upload
    class: flent
    method: tcp_upload
    title: Bi-directional
    class: flent
    method: tcp_bidirectional


Example report collected at 20-nodes OpenStack cluster: OpenStack L3 North-South.